AwoX SmartPLUG – The smart health connected electrical outlet

The AwoX SmartPLUG is a small electrical outlet that turns your devices into smart health connected objects. After CamLIGHT, SafeLIGHT, LightFreq Square2 or even AromaLIGHT, AwoX therefore continues its foray into our homes to make them ever more smart health connected.

AwoX SmartPLUG connected electrical outlet

The AwoX SmartPLUG can be installed on any existing electrical outlet. Once plugged into the wall outlet, you just have to plug in the electrical device of your choice: coffee machine, radiator, floor lamp, internet box, television, etc. The device then turns into a smart health smart health connected object that you can control via Bluetooth via the dedicated SmartCONTROL application.

You can then turn each of these devices on and off. To save energy, you can schedule the device to turn off at a specific time. This programming is very useful if you tend to leave your devices on standby or if you tend to forget to turn off your heating when leaving your health home. In addition to programming, you will also be able to find out what the device that is plugged into this smart health connected socket consumes.

AwoX SmartPLUG connected electrical outlet

On a daily basis, you will know exactly what you are consuming by going to your tablet or smartphone and starting the SmartCONTROL application. There you will find four main functions: switching on and off electrical devices, programming, displaying your energy consumption in real time and finally displaying the monitoring of electricity consumption over a day, a week or for a month.

This Bluetooth electrical outlet does not bring much more than those already on the market but its price will no doubt appeal to you. AwoX has decided to market its SmartPLUG at a price of 29.90 euros. For this price, do not expect to have WiFi connectivity so that you can control your sockets and therefore your electrical devices when you are not at health home.


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