asymptomatic people contaminate everything they touch

Before even declaring Covid-19 disease, anyone can contaminate everyday objects despite themselves. In other words, any asymptomatic or presymptomatic individual disperses the coronavirus on surfaces without even knowing it and would therefore be an important vector for its spread. This is what emerges from a new scientific study.

Before I even develop symptoms, patients with Covid-19 can still contaminate objects around them, such as sheets or handles. doors, according to a study by Chinese scientists and published Monday by US health authorities. This study, although covering only two patient rooms, reinforces the idea that asymptomatic people can be important vectors of pandemic.

The researchers studied the case of two Chinese students who returned to their country in mid-March and were quarantined in a hotel when they showed no symptoms. They tested positive there again coronavirus and transferred to the hospital the next day. Shortly after confirmation of their Covid-19 infection, samples were taken from each of their hotel rooms on various objects : switches, door handles, taps, TV remote control, pillows, towels or toilet seat.

A high viral load on everyday objects

Eight out of 22 samples, or 36%, revealed the presence of virus : six in patient A's bedroom (switch and sheets in particular) and two in patient B's bedroom (tap and pillow). Even when the patients had stayed less than 24 hours in this hotel. " The samples taken from the pillows and sheets had a viral load important "Notes the study carried out in particular by scientists from prevention and disease control (CDC) Chinese, and published by the US CDC.

According to the authors, it demonstrates that " presymptomatic patients have a high viral load rejection and can easily contaminate their environment ", They add, advising therefore not to shake the sheets of patients when changing and putting them on. wash and dry thoroughly.

After admission to hospital, the two patients developed moderate symptoms of Covid-19, including fever and cough, two days later in the case of patient A, and 6 days later in the case of patient B. Another study published in early March and carried out by scientists at a Singapore research center had already shown, from three chambers of patients in quarantine, that these heavily contaminated surfaces, including Windows or the ground. But these patients were already showing symptoms.

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