ASIP Santé becomes the Digital Health Agency


In accordance with the digital health roadmap, ASIP Health became the Digital Health Agency since December 20. Presentation.

The digital health roadmap provided through its very first action (orientation 1), the establishment of a new governance with a strong representation of the ministerial delegation of digital health and a president from the world of healthcare professionals. health, Dr Jacques Lucas recognized in the field of e-health. ASIP Santé therefore becomesdigital health agency.

The decree approving an amendment to the agreement establishing the public interest group "National Agency for Shared Health Information Systems" was published in the official journal on December 20.

This addendum to the founding agreement is a continuation of the missions carried out by the digital health agency: creating the conditions for the development and regulation of digital health, promoting innovation for the benefit of professionals and users and assist public authorities in the conduct of digital projects of national interest.

The agency works as closely as possible to the ministerial delegation for digital health to implement the guidelines dedicated to the health and medico-social sector.

The digital health agency continues its actions on its core business: the establishment of benchmarks and basic services necessary for the development of e-health. The agency remains in charge of developing security (PGSSI-S) and interoperability (CI-SIS) standards. It disseminates national identification data for health actors (RPPS) and health terminologies (CGTS). It provides authentication (Pro-health Connect, e-CPS) and cybersurveillance services and promotes the spread of secure health messaging.

The agency aims to broaden its missions to support territories in their digital transformation. It remains at the disposal of the public authorities to carry out the major programs for transforming the health system and to carry innovation. Thus, it becomes an essential pillar for the acceleration of digital health.

The concertation of fourteen chapters of the technical doctrine on the subjects of information system security, interoperability, MSSanté, digital coordination services for health care, urbanization of health information systems, Health Data Hub, etc. already allowed to collect nearly a hundred returns.

Eight new chapters of the doctrine are now published and call for contributions and reactions from ecosystem players until January 19, 2023. They can be consulted on the consultation platform:

  • Ethics. This chapter proposes to define and ensure the carrying of an ethical framework which integrates all the dimensions of ethics and all the actors of the ecosystem of e-health, whether citizens, professionals of health, or the industrialists. It presents the actions already launched (labeling standards or ethical certification of digital tools, raising awareness among the general public, etc.)
  • Convergence tool. This tool ensures compliance with and convergence with the e-health doctrine. This chapter specifies the scope of the tool, its industrialization and proposes to implement a convergence observatory.
  • Repository of actors for natural persons – This chapter specifies the objective, the perimeter, the settlement trajectory and the upgrading of the national reference frame containing the identification data of professionals who need to access, exchange or share health data.
  • Repository of actors for legal persons – It is a question here of specifying the perimeter of the repository containing the identification data of legal persons in the health sector (health and social) and its development trajectory.
  • Health offer (Operational resource directory – ROR) – This chapter deals with data repository for description of the health care offer common to the health and medico-social sectors. It invites to consolidate the scope of description of the healthcare offer, secure access to the ROR and improve the level of service of the ROR by developing its architecture.
  • Digital identity of health and medico-social actors – This chapter deals with the mechanisms of public and private authentication allowing access to digital health services.
  • HDS hosting certification – The activity of hosting health data on digital media is supervised. This chapter explains its purpose and the necessary extensions to the procedure to secure the hosting of health data throughout the entire processing chain.
  • Structures 3.0 – The aim of this action is to bring out a network of pilot structures ready to experiment with new uses of digital technology in their services, to share their learning and to support other establishments to do the same.

Source: Digital Health Agency


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