ARS Ile-com-France finances 4 projects in SRH care


Among the 8 pre-selected (out of 19 initially submitted), presented to a jury made up of members of the SSR regional steering committee, representatives of ARS, hospital federations and the Medicen Paris Region competitiveness cluster, 4 projects were retained on an experimental basis, for a total amount of 170,000 euros:

  • a smart health connected treadmill for motor and cognitive rehabilitation at health home (physical medicine and rehabilitation center in Bobigny in partnership with the company Ezygain)
  • a device to help limit episodes of urinary incontinence in hospitals (Charles-Foix Hospital, AP-HP, in partnership with the company Triple W)
  • an inertial 3D virtual reality sensor to assess walking and to improve rehabilitation of the upper limb (Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, AP-HP, in partnership with Mindmaze)
  • smart health connected insoles for walking rehabilitation of patients with Parkinson's disease (Romainville Rehabilitation Institute in partnership with the company Feet me).

To be eligible, the technologies had to allow data collection and analysis to provide added value in the act of care or rehabilitation, as well as decision-making aid in the therapeutic project. The projects were to be carried out jointly by an industrialist and healthcare professionals.


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