smart health connected wristbands would be the solution to the obesity problem. While in England the rate is constantly increasing, new technologies are interfering in this area in order to combat this phenomenon of a rapidly expanding society.
BBC News has once again approached the problem of obesity in England, this time focusing on the "rise in childhood obesity" which left one in three overweight children. Researchers at King’s College London have found that children 11 to 15 years old the rate of obesity is constantly increasing. The proportion of overweight children in England from 1994 to 2003 had peaked, but in the past decade it has stabilized at around 30%. But on the other hand, the number of obese people in the UK has more than tripled in the past 25 years. Experts believe that being overweight is responsible for several health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and infertility.
As advertising spots invade us with catchy slogans "eat, move", new technologies are gradually coming to interfere in this area. smart health connected watches or bracelets would be the ideal solution to the two problems that arise: overeating and not doing enough movement. They all work the same: a sensor to track movement, heart rate and body temperature. These smart health connected bracelets allow grasp the objectives to be achieved. For example if you sit too often and do not make enough movement the bracelet will send signals so that you do a little effort.
Very simple to use, these bracelets can be worn around the wrist, but also as a belt or hang on clothes. The indisputable advantage of this object is that it can allow you to connect via a mobile application to track your daily activity, but also with a USB stick. Even better, it can allow you to get online on other dedicated websites and allow you to compete with your opponents. Additional motivation for fast and effective weight loss. Some bracelets can also give you personalized monitoring of your nights thanks to a motion sensor.
It’s a real awareness that overweight people must take who use the smart health connected bracelets, because they allow above all to show you how many calories you burn while walking to go for a run, but also by doing your morning jogging. This is how you get your bearings.
smart health connected bracelets are only not an easy solution. The same goes for users to have a personal will to lose weight. But, it will still allow you to feel “coached”, the goal being, of course, to follow your goals throughout your adventure with the smart health connected bracelet and to take certain habits of daily life.
Sources: wtvox / photo credit: wtvox