After releasing the first wireless headset last December, Apple has published this Thursday several patents on a wireless system of biometric sensors with medical characters. The goal for the brand being to decline its Airpods.
Three patents have already been published detailing the introduction of these components. All three have a matrix of beams, batteries, proximity and orientation sensors. Little distinction between these patents except the claims. The US Patent and Trademark Office has registered them under the heading " headphones with biometric detection"Among other things, the headphones have a heart sensor to take the pulse and the pulse saturation oxygen, already widely used for smart health connected watches.
Not easy to implant this system in atria, the surface is so small, contact does not collect biometric information accurate. But Apple would have just succeeded this bet, explaining in his patent.
We can therefore expect AirPods capable of measuring oxygen levels in the blood, temperature and heart rate. But little information is still available for the moment on this future project.
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