An electrocardiogram and a blood pressure Holter


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<h2 style=We had presented to you, in the form of an interview, various quality smart health connected objects from the firm iHealth. The manufacturer returns to us with two new products: iHealth Rhythm and iHealth Next.

iHealth Rhythm, as light as it is discreet, will revolutionize the practice of electrocardiography

ihealth "width =" 218 "height =" 313 "srcset =" = 218 218w, 209w "sizes =" (max -width: 218px) 100vw, 218px "data-recalc-dims =" 1 "/> Composed of a single patch (consumable) with three electrodes, iHealth Rhythm, positioned on the <strong>patient's sternum</strong>, allows you to monitoring <strong>heart activity</strong> over a period from 24h to 72h. This device, temporarily provided by the doctor to his patient, can detect<strong> any abnormal or abnormal activity of the heart</strong> during the monitoring period: <strong>arrhythmia</strong> or <strong>atrial fibrillation</strong>. If the patient experiences abnormal pain, he can also press the button on the device at any time, and this anomaly will be precisely indicated on the examination report.</p>
<p style=Thanks to its Bluetooth connection, the doctor can view live the intensity and variations of the heart patient’s experience on the iHealth Pro app, available on iPad. He can also access the results of the exam, by connecting the device to the iPad, and thus analyze the results recorded and share them with a specialist colleague if necessary.

Portable, small (10 cm), light (20 g) and flat, iHealth Rhythm is invisible under the patient's clothes and does not cause any discomfort either for men or for women.

iHealth Next, the thinnest smart health connected blood pressure holter on the market

iHealth Next offers a tension monitoring for 24h. Today, for health home self-measurement, doctors recommend taking blood pressure over three days, three times in the morning and three times in the evening. iHealth Next innovates by allowing you to monitoring your blood pressure for 24 hours with a device as discreet as possible.

ihealth rhythm 01

This Blood pressure holter who measures the blood pressure (systole, diastole) and the cardiac frequency, has been designed with a universal cuff that perfectly matches the shape of the arm. The internal pump has been reduced to the maximum in order to make the product as thin as possible. Light and quiet, the patient can wear it discreetly without being embarrassed.

Thanks to its Bluetooth connection to the iHealth Pro application, available on the iPad, the doctor can access the recorded data, analyze it and share it with a specialist colleague if necessary. An on-board activity sensor allows the doctor to know the patient's activity during blood pressure measurements and to detect his day or night posture. iHealth Next can thus identify so-called "masked" hypertension (in the resting phase) or even avoid the "white coat" effect.

iHealth Rhythm and iHealth Next will be available in 2016 in Europe for a price still unknown to date.



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