Amulyte, an emergency response system

Amulyte is an emergency response system in the form of a pendant. Press it to send a signal and your loved ones will be notified directly.

A prevention device

Designed for the elderly in particular, this necklace allows track activity level and the location of a person. In an emergency, just press it to alert your loved ones. The Amulyte pendant works everywhere. Whether indoors or outdoors, it is constantly smart health connected to a network to send an emergency call wherever you are. You just have to wear it and press the button so that the chosen people are notified directly to provide you with assistance. This technology, equipped with a GPS and a microphone, was developed for the purpose of prevention and well-being. Elderly people wanting to keep their independence, their autonomy without worrying their loved ones could be interested in this product. Peace of mind since you are constantly smart health connected to your family.

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The pendant tracks the person's activity to make sure you stay active and healthy. You can configure the contacts to call in an emergency and alerts possible since Amulyte portal. Data like the activity level, emergency, battery and the person’s location are indicated there. You are in contact with your family or nursing staff. Family members can also control their data and change privacy settings or updates for make sure everything is working properly. The portal is accessible from computers, tablets or smart phones. Namely, calling emergency contacts is the first defense in the event of a problem (falling on the stairs, crises). And finally, you can define how the person is notified (alert, phone call, SMS, email).

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This product is available in black or white and is not yet marketed in Europe. Its cost is fixed at $ 149 (€ 109). What is unfortunate is that you also have to pay a monthly subscription of $ 29 (€ 21) per month. This increases the price of the product but allows you to have a international cell coverage, to be notified when the battery level is low and D'send unlimited alerts.


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