A family doctor who, together with colleagues, evaluates x-rays online. The standard in health care will soon be. Industry experts agree on this.
What role will different telemedical services play in ten years? In a representative study, the digital association Bitkom surveyed 100 managing directors and board members of pharmaceutical companies. In addition to the telemedical exchange of a doctor with other specialists, tele surgery and vital signs monitoring (e.g. through health apps) are becoming increasingly important in the opinion of the experts. In addition, 70 percent of those surveyed believe that online consultation is becoming more important in addition to a doctor's visit – for example, during routine examinations.
Additional information:
More about the Bitkom study: https://www.bitkom.org/Presse/Presseinformation/Telemedizin-wird-in-zehn-Jahren-selbstverstaendlich-sein.html
What patients want from their doctor: https://pro.healthdataspace.org/telemedizin-online-arzt-ehealth-sprechstunde
More about health apps: https://pro.healthdataspace.org/studie-quantified-self-gesundheits-apps
Graphic: Bitkom e.V.