Woax is a smart health smart health connected object with artificial intelligence. Made from innovative non-allergenic materials, it adapts to your ear shape and body temperature. In an instant, you completely forget that you are wearing it.
Woax focuses on your voice. As soon as he hears the words "Hey, Woax", he wakes up and is ready for action. For you, he will take care of your phone calls, your messages, the weather, news, surfing the net, etc.
But before you can use this smart smart health smart health connected object, you need to initialize your voice to allow speech recognition technology to properly process your voice. You will then be able to enjoy all the functionality of this wearable using only your voice.
You can then create your own personalized loops by adding people from your contact list to stay smart health connected with them at all times. Loop mode will allow you to share moments, chat with friends, family, colleagues, etc. God mode (understand God mode) will allow you to hear voices from all over the world or from specifically selected regions. An original way to share with other users of the product.
Woax has embedded artificial intelligence software that combines voice recognition technology with in-house algorithms to be able to perform a wide variety of fairly new features. As this is a voice control device controlled only by the human voice and therefore eliminating buttons and other dials, users keep their hands really free to go about their business.
Inside, a CSR8610 Bluetooth 4.0 chipset. This next generation single chip has targeted bi-directional noise cancellation technology. To reproduce the sounds, Woax uses bone conduction technology (BCT). Very practical for hearing the sound of the device but also the sounds of what surrounds you.
If you want one, go to Indiegogo. It will be yours for 80 dollars. Watch these few ehealth presentations:
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOwPForcTus (/ embed)
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc-HCx-ENfk (/ embed)
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TkiVDMAYUg (/ embed)