A smart health connected alarm clock with alarm anticipation

Nox is a small smart health connected alarm clock that is quite interesting because it has the ability to anticipate waking up according to external events. To put it simply, this alarm clock will adapt to variables such as car traffic, weather, plane schedules or even maritime conditions.

Nox is not just a predictive smart health connected alarm clock, it offers many other features. It is also an alarm clock concerned with the health and well-being of its users. It offers in particular a wireless mode, a progressive audio volume or even ambient lights. The goal is to improve the quality of sleep and reduce stress upon waking. For example: the alarm clock has a dawn and dusk simulator that improves the quality of sleep.

nox connected alarm clock

But back to the different predictive modes of Nox. As I told you, the alarm clock can be configured according to external events such as motorway traffic, stock market prices, weather conditions, etc. The goal is of course to avoid the stress of potential delays. Suffice to say that you will no longer have any excuse for not being on time!

Added to this is a fairly extensive environmental scan. Thanks to sensors, the alarm clock will analyze your sleep environment. It will measure temperature, humidity and air quality. In the event of a problem, you will be notified immediately. To use your alarm clock, you can use your voice, a smartphone app and the alarm LCD touch screen.

Although already packed with many features, Nox is an open product that offers users, and probably especially developers, the ability to create new programs. Its API is also compatible with other smart health connected objects on your smarthome and can also synchronize with online applications such as your calendar. In short, you will be able to create a custom alarm clock that perfectly suits your needs.

nox connected alarm clock

nox alarm clock connects


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