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Bistro MD
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The only diet delivery company founded by a weight loss physician, Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist.

 BistroMD’s mission is to create and deliver the most natural, fresh food, designed and cooked to the specific nutritional and caloric levels that promote healthy weight loss. We pride ourselves on the ability to deliver delicious food without additives, preservative and fillers for taste.Get 25% bistroMD discount.

The years of scientific clinical research and experience allow bistroMD to stand apart from its competitors in nutritional value, quality and taste. With over 20 years of medical expertise in her field, Caroline J. Cederquist, M.D., works with our team of Registered Dietitians to ensure that the nutritional requirements for healthy and long-term weight loss are being met in every weekly menu, and in each and every entree. BistroMD understands that weight loss is about more than just calories and is deeper than food. 

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Get 25% OFF plus Free Shipping on your first order BistroMD
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