Wacom, a company specializing in graphics tablets, has taken up a challenge: taking digital notes while writing by hand. If writing on a screen is not new, allowing the same sensations as working with a pen or pencil is not simple. This is what the company offers with the Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate smart health connected notebooks. A great success since the two products keep their promise.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8RzqOoXWL8 (/ embed)
Mark : Wacom
Category: smart health connected notebook
Connection: Bluetooth
Compatibility: iOS / Android
Price: € 151.16 for the Folio, € 130.99 for the Slate
Availability: immediate
Tested with: iPhone 5
Buy the Bamboo Folio or the Bamboo Slate:
What you will learn
- Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate unboxing
- Design and ergonomics of the Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate
- Getting started with Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate
- Application of Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate
- The Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate face the competition
- Conclusion on the Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate
Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate unboxing
The boxes of the two notepads are made quickly notice. They put their respective content first and the colorful typography of the eye catches. The “cover” also has the good idea of making visually understand the interest of the products and their smart health connected side.
Opening is simple, no frills, just like installing inside the cabinet. First we find the notebooks in a protective pouch, then what is necessary to make them work. User manual, pen and charging cable. To note that neither the Folio nor the Slate are preloaded and you’ll have to wait a bit before you can enjoy it
Design and ergonomics of the Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate
If the two notebooks have no difference in their use, this is not the case with their designs. The Folio is like a workbook that you can open like a book. It has the advantage of protect paper dust or anything that could stain it. On his “left page”, he has several pockets to keep what you want (as long as it's thin enough) like business cards for example. These characteristics make it fairly thick, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage depending on what you are looking for. On the one hand it offers very good grip, even if you have to write standing up, but is quite bulky if you want to keep it in a bag.
The Slate is slightly different. It looks much more like a simple notebook than his brother since he is content with a rigid support behind the paper. Much finer, so it is more complicated to handle if you want to write while walking or not being able to sit at a table. However, he earns a lot in comfort once installed compared to the Folio thanks to its smaller size and this transport more easily.
The two products are therefore different in their design, but one is not higher or lower than the other. They are each more suited to different situations : the Folio for “moving” note taking and the Slate for more restrained writing. Both however have a basis made of the same fabric, Which one is quite rough and unpleasant in hand, especially after long use. Note that the Review was carried out with the versions in size A5, but that there are also A4 : larger, but less practical.
Getting started with Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate
The Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate have a identical grip which aims to be as simple as possible, like the Bamboo Shark, their predecessor. smart health connected to the application InkSpace via Bluetooth (we'll come back to that), notepads transmit what you lay on paper to your smartphone or tablet. For this, they only needone button which is also used to turn them on. Once the machine is running, just write or draw what you want, then press to retrieve everything you come to do on your device. The system is as simple and clear as it can be, while being effective. It is important to note, however, that all of this only works using the Bamboo pen supplied in the box and its ink, at 9.99 euros for three units. A disappointing and quite expensive revelation
Application of Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate
The application InkSpace from Wacom is central to the experience of these smart health connected notebooks. They are smart health connected to it via Bluetooth and send their data. As said before, the lines of the pen are only transferred after pressing the button. The writings do are not added automatically, and each submission includes a new image to the application. The stroke placement on the sheet is nevertheless taken into account and it is possible to "merge" to form a single element. The available production is then exactly similar to that of the sheet that was changed along the way. Regarding the accuracy of the rendering on the application, it is impressive. If the lines are not not perfect, especially when you have an unattractive writing, they are extremely close to reality.
InkSpace isn't just for transferring writing to digital media. Once on it, you can modify projects as desired : add notes, erase what you had written on paper or move lines. There is also a “direct” mode which allows see live what is being written on our notebooks. The connection is made very quickly and there are no operating crashes or bugs. Another possible use: character recognition. It simply changes what was written by hand into a message ready to be sent by email or SMS. Despite some failures, perhaps due to deplorable calligraphy, the system works relatively well. However, you have to be careful detach the letters at the risk of seeing the application become muddled and mix everything up.
With a free InkSpace subscription, you can store up to 5GB of images and export in most formats (.PNG .JPG .WILL …). A premium version is available for those who really need it, with 50 GB of storage and an “ink to text” converter from best quality.
The Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate face the competition
In their category, the Bamboo Slate and the Bamboo Folio are almost without adversaries. There is in fact only one other on their way, but not the least: the Iskn slate 2+.
This tablet is the only one that can really stand up to Wacom productions, and in a beautiful way. Unlike its opponents, the Slate 2+ is entirely focused on drawing. It is also less restrictive in its use. Indeed, no assigned stylus here, but smart health connected "rings" that can hang on any pencil. The possibilities are therefore more varied, since a large number of leads can be chosen unlike the unique ballpoint pen of the two Bamboo. Its price is however less attractive because it reaches the 179 euros, partly because of the accessories included (rings, pencils, etc.). This tablet is therefore perfect for professional designers, but it will be difficult to attract newbies or those just wanting to take notes. For those, Wacom's Slate and Folio are the best option.
Conclusion on the Bamboo Folio and the Bamboo Slate
Lhe two smart health connected notepads are made for both designers and note takers. Each one complements in its own way, one more suited to movement (the Folio) and the other to more posed writing (the Slate). Their use is very simple as is the operation of the InkSpace application. The latter offers a large number of possibilities for personalizing what is written. The Bluetooth connection is done without a hitch and the transcription of what we lay on paper is very faithful. We can simply regret the obligation to use the pen supplied by Wacom to operate the products and the price of the refills of its ink. Two objects very useful for everyday life and easy to access.
Good points
- Two products that complement each other in their use
- Simple and accessible operation
- A transcription of very precise features
- A seamless connection to the InkSpace application
Negative points
- Obligation to use the pen provided
- The price of ink refills (9.99 euros three)
- An unpleasant coarse fabric that covers the two products
Design and ergonomics – 9
Application and features – 8
Use / handling – 9
Value for money – 8
Design and Ergonomics : If we find some small defects, including the unpleasant fabric, the design of the two machines is generally flawless.
Application and features : The application works perfectly and offers a large number of features. The transcription of the features is particularly impressive. Character recognition is however perfectible
Use and handling : The two Bamboo offer an extremely simple and effective grip. If technology is puzzling, it's here for everyone
Quality / Price ratio : Between 130 and 150 euros depending on the product you choose. The price is fair, especially if you plan to use a notepad regularly.
Source: https://www.ABsmarthealth.net/ifa-bamboo-spark-quand-wacom-reinvente-la-prise-de-notes/ – Credit: