Misfit has presented the Bolt smart health connected bulb at CES. At only 50 dollars, it could quickly compete with the Philips Hue.
The Misfit Bolt smart health connected Bulb provides the same light as a conventional 60 watt bulb and is used by the Misfit app to let you choose and change its color. The application offers a variety of color scenes and therefore moods, which can be changed easily and at the touch of a finger.
The Bolt bulb also integrates with the Misfit Shine bracelet and the Beddit tracker which analyzes your sleep. If a bulb looks like nothing more than another bulb, Misfit hopes to stand out for the price and the simplicity. When with the Philips Hue you have to pay $ 200 to start using the three bulbs included with the wireless bridge, a Bolt bulb can be used alone because it is directly controlled by Wi-Fi.
Sonny Vu, CEO and co-founder of Misfit, hinted that the company wanted to expand its line of smart health connected objects for the health home and could eventually produce products for cars.