Playmation is Disney’s offering to the smart health connected toy world. This offer aims to offer, in particular, smart health connected figurines of its most popular franchises.
Playmation will launch a first product next October. This product will be the Marvel Avengers Starter Pack. It includes a Repulsor Iron Man that children can wear on their arms, two "activating powers" and two "intelligent figures" (Captain America and Iron Skull). There will no doubt follow other packs of this franchise but also Star Wars packs.
Once the Repulsor is attached to the arm, the child will receive audio instructions from Jarvis to learn how to use it and start playing. Playmation products combine sensors and wireless communication technology to detect user actions. Several players can even pair their equipment to play together. Disney’s goal is to develop the console experience and allow players to run, jump and explore.
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With these new products, the world of ehealth games may well be completely turned upside down as it moves from a couch activity to a more physical activity.
The Avengers Starter Pack will be sold for $ 120 in the United States and Canada. It will be possible to buy other extensions later. Star Wars is expected to follow in 2016 and Frozen in 2017.