Definition | Watercooling | Futura Tech

Watercooling is a water cooling system. Coming from heavy industry, it has been transposed to IT to offer a silent and efficient solution to dissipate heat emitted by the components.

Whether they are installed in a PC portable or fixed, integrated circuits as the processor ((CPU) and the Graphic card ((GPU) convert part of theenergy that they consume as heat. It is therefore necessary to cool these elements to guarantee their operating stability and prolong their duration of life. As a rule, fans are added with the aim of circulating a flow ofair in the case, in a process called "aircooling", or air cooling in French. It is a simple solution to implement and inexpensive, but sometimes noisy and lacking in efficiency.

The advantages of watercooling: silence, efficiency and aesthetics

To build ever more compact and efficient computer stations, it is necessary to increase the density of the components. This implies a possible reduction in air flow and shows the limits of this type of cooling. Watercooling allows direct flow of a liquid with strong power insulating directly on the processor, the RAM or the graphics card, which are the components most prone to an increase in their operating temperature.

Although more efficient and quieter than an air cooling system, watercooling is mainly exploited by fans of ehealth games have a powerful configuration and want to have a computer to modern aesthetics, or by people who practiceoverclocking. To cool a computer using watercooling, it is necessary to install a water pump, water blocks, radiators and sealed pipes inside the case. Certain thermal fluids are voluntarily colored to better enhance the cooling installation.

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