How do you do an arc weld?

Arc welding allows two metal parts to be assembled by melting a filler metal made up of a coated electrode. The very high heat required for welding is obtained by creating an electric arc, hence the name of the process, between the electrode and the parts to be welded.

Arc weldingelectrode coated, or baguette, is suitable forsteel, at iron and at the melting. It is carried out with an MMA (Manual Metal Arc) welding machine. The role of generator is to deliver a low current voltage (45 to 50 volts) but strong intensity (40 to 170 amps on average) to create theelectric arc. The electrodes are available in different diameters, which determine the thickness of the parts to be welded and the required intensity. As a guide, the smallest electrode size (Ø 1.60 mm) can weld pieces that are approximately 2 mm thick with an intensity of 50 A.

Arc welding: essential basic equipment

A traditional welding machine, type transformer electric, deliver a alternating current (AC) which causes penalizing arc breaks. A model inverter, at direct current (CC or DC, for Direct Current), facilitates the welding archery by removing this drawback. The arc created ensures fusion optimal electrodes, whatever the type: coated acid, basic, rutile …

The station is delivered with its electrical supply cable (230 V or 400 V) and two cords: one fitted with an electrode holder clamp, the other with a clamp mass. A welder's mask, an apron and a pair of thick leather gloves are essential protections. Provide in addition a hammer, a wire brush and a file or a grinder equipped with a metal disc.

Welding, step by step

To perform an arc weld, the parts to be joined must be clean and dry.

1. Rub them with a wire brush to remove any traces of paint or rust. If necessary, degrease them with a cloth soaked inacetone or trichlorethylene substitute.

2. Attach a rod to the electrode holder with the diameter corresponding to the thickness of the parts to be assembled (see table below). Make sure it is tight.

3. Connect the cables to the post, respecting the poles: “minus” for earth, “plus” for the electrode holder.

4. Align the two parts to be welded well, spacing them slightly apart, and fix the earth clamp on one of them.

5. Switch on the machine and adjust the welding intensity according to the diameter of the electrode.

6. Face protected by the mask, rub the end of the wand on the junction line to initiate theelectric arc.

7. As soon as sparks occur, move the rod away from 3 to 4 mm. The arc is established and you can now slowly move the rod, to make the cord.

8. The melting temperature exceeds 3500 ° C. Such a release of heat gradually reduces the length of the electrode and the hand must be lowered as the welding progresses.

9. Once the solder has cooled, hammer the bead to remove the crust blackish (the slag) that has formed.

10. Scrub with a wire brush, then level the solder with a file or grinder.

What you must remember

  • During welding, he makes an effort to keep the electrode inclined at an angle of about 60 ° relative to the weld line.

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