allergy solution?

Spring is coming and you want to clean up? A good idea to rule out allergens. Another season is also conducive to great cleaning.

Spring marks the arrival of pollen allergies If the song of birds is synonymous with a pleasant period for most people, it sounds the death knell for a darker period for 20 to 30% of the French population: the season of grass allergies. But where do these allergies come from? What types of pollen can you be allergic to? And above all, how to reduce or even eradicate his symptoms? Find out in this new ehealth!

Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to thoroughly cleanse height your house. "Sif we are subject to allergies, once a year is insufficient", Says Isabelle Bossé, allergist and president of the French Syndicate of Allergologists.

The benefits of spring cleaning

The great coup broom allows you to go to all the corners forgotten by the weekly cleaning. Usually reserved for season spring, it can track mold and create a vacuum by throwing trinkets piled up for no reason. " The healthiest room for a allergic anyway, is a room that contains as few objects as possible“, Specifies our allergist.

Another advantage is that cleaning is easier. " If the daily or weekly maintenance of the house is looked after, a big cleaning every 6 months is enough. If it's a crowded teenage bedroom, it's best to do it every 3 months", Adds Isabelle Bossé.

Spring cleaning: when?

The dust mites have two good times in the year:

  • March / April, which justifies the usefulness of a household of spring ;
  • the beginning ofautumn, Which corresponds to the breeding period during which these arachnids are even more allergenic.

Source: interview with Isabelle Bossé, allergist and president of the French Union of Allergists, June 1, 2010.

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