Cardiogram the app to monitoring diabetes with your watch [news] , smart health device review

Cardiogram the app for monitoring diabetes and atrial fibrillation with your Apple Watch, Garmin or Wear Os smart health watch

Date of last modification: June 20, 2024

Cardiogram the app to monitoring diabetes with your watch (news)

We launch new articles published on Sunday on discovered products not yet available in France at the time of writing, but which seem very interesting to me.

The Cardiogram smartphone app is ready to track your signs of diabetes and atrial fibrillation.
You will need to download the app for free to your Android smartphone (Wear Os / Android Wear and Garmin) or iOS (Apple) and a smart health connected watch compatible with sensor: Apple Watch, Garmin or Wear Os.

Precision, We have no medical training, the terms used may not be precise "surgical". We’m summarizing the information here and We’m trying to participate in testing the app.

Cardiogram monitors your bite-free diabetes and atrial fibrillation

Cardiogram cardiology company and health insurer Oscar have teamed up, allowing Oscar members to monitoring for signs of diabetes and atrial fibrillation using a compatible smartwatch.

Members need an Apple Watch, Garmin or Wear Os watch to use the Cardiogram app. So the app monitors for signs of these two conditions in the background as users move around.

If the device detects symptoms of either, users receive an alert asking them to undergo medical level confirmatory tests.

  • Either a blood Review in a nearby laboratory for diabetes,
  • or a mobile ECG Review (sent by post) for atrial fibrillation.

These tests will be free, and if they confirm that patients are at risk, the Cardiogram app will help them move on to the next stage of treatment.

Studies and tests with more than 85% of relevant results

Last year, in a study with researchers from the University of San Francisco, Cardiogram confirmed that it can detect diabetes using current simple devices available on many watches. This is the first time that this research has been put into practice.

Cardiogram co-founder Brandon Ballinger said he is currently obtaining a 97% accuracy for FIBA ​​and 85% accuracy for diabetes. However, it does not have FDA approval, and is not seeking to obtain it. This is why it plays a more advisory role, recommending users to request medical tests in the event of an alert. Not just for the FDA, but also for how your doctor will interpret your results.

Ballinger said the app should analyze at least a week of data before making recommendations.

List of available studies

Multiple studies (in English) have now demonstrated the accurate detection of several health problems using a watch equipped with health sensors, paired with AI-based algorithms:

The mature market for smart health connected watches

smartwatch market 2024

Cardiogram smartphone app

Regarding the future development of FIBA ​​tracking, Ballinger suggests that Cardiogram could add to the back of Apple Watch's FDA-approved ECG, if Apple makes the API available to developers. In the meantime, it relies entirely on optical data.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen tech companies teaming up with healthcare providers. This year, Apple partnered with Aetna to reward patients with an Apple Watch for their healthy behavior. Fitbit has also established partnerships. But Cardiogram and Oscar combine in a way we have never seen before, giving healthcare workers the ability to detect specific conditions.

While the Apple Watch can track the signs of atrial atrial fibrillation itself, monitoring diabetes is another matter entirely. People with diabetes often have low variability in heart rate, which is one of the key factors that Cardiogram monitors closely.

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smart health connected watches compatible Cardiogram

Cardiogram displays health data from your Wear Os or Garmin smartwatch, including heart rate, steps, and sleep, as a graph or graph, and integrates with the Google Fit app. cardiogram is compatible with Garmin or Wear Os watches with a heart rate sensor.

My little Review of the Cardiogram app

We've also downloaded the Cardiogram app on my iPhone to pair it with my Apple Watch 1. Then We signed in with my Facebook account. We authorized access to all my health data on my iPhone (mainly collected with my Wear Os watch which is now more compatible with iOS thanks to the April 24 release of the Google Fit app for iOS). We also signed up for the testers program.

cadiogram diabetes app

At the bottom of the screen, the different pictograms give access to a lot of health data, challenge and analysis

  • Timeline displays your heart rate each day, with a detailed view of workouts and a special interface for tracking peaks related to stress, diet or exercise. For each day, you can challenge your friends in terms of stages and activity levels!
    You can invite friends who own an Apple watch or Garmin, or even those who don't have a mobile device at all – this feature is compatible with Google Fit step tracking built into Wear Os and now iOS phones!
  • Metrics, shows you how your resting heart rate and your steps change over time. As well as a comparison with other users of the app.
  • Care, it is the space dedicated to the American health system that cannot be used in France.
  • Clothes or Habits allow you to find a new healthy habit or activity that you enjoy, invite a friend to share actions, and optimize your overall health, sleep, stress, and fitness. This ranges from walking, to meditation, to the impact of Game of Thrones on your heart rate.
  • And finally, Premium, to subscribe to the paid version for 2 family members, it offers liaison with your doctor, assistance

Cardiogram diabetes detection app

Health yes, but Cardiogram is also business

As for how it benefits Oscar – the provider competes in the Obama Care market, where there is an incentive program that pays insurers for each member who is diagnosed. And Oscar pays Cardiogram to use his technology.

"This is the next step, out of the lab and onto your wrist," said Ballinger. Members of the Oscar health program can download the Cardiogram app and link their accounts from today.

In France, to my knowledge, no large-scale and simple device has been put in place in collaboration with the Ministry of Health or Social Security.


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