In the vast majority of cases, Covid-19 results in mild symptoms that can be treated by staying confined at health home and adopting certain precautions.
The Covid-19 is a mild illness in 80% to 85% of cases, and 98% of patients infected with virus heal without sequelae, recalls the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon. So no need to panic if you experience symptoms. Even if the Covid-19 is more severe than the influenza, it can very well be treated from health home.
What you will learn
Covid-19: what are the symptoms?
The duration incubation coronavirus is three to five days, but may exceptionally extend to 14 days. The first symptoms of Covid-19 are close to those of the flu : fever, chills, cough, digestive problems (diarrhea, pains abdominal, vomiting …), body aches, unusual tiredness, sometimes severe headache. Unlike the flu, these symptoms come on gradually. After five to seven days breathing difficulties may appear, with a feeling of tightness in the chest. Many patients also report a sudden loss of taste andsmell from the start of the disease. Symptoms and their intensity vary widely from one person to another.
If in doubt, the Ministry of Health offers an online Review on the site
I am sick: how to treat myself?
There is no proven treatment for the disease. Treatment therefore consists in moderating the symptoms.
- monitoring its temperature twice a day (morning and evening).
- Take paracetamol (without exceeding 1,000 mg per dose and 3,000 g per day).
- Do not takeanti-inflammatory (such asIbuprofen, Advil oraspirin), which may worsen the infection.
- Keep yourself well hydrated (drink water, eat soups …).
- To rest.
- Stay confined to your health home, and avoid contact with other occupants of the house.
- Perform barrier gestures (wash one's hands, blowing your nose with disposable tissues, disinfecting contaminating surfaces (toilet bowl, bathroom …)
- Do not panic: anxiety can worsen symptoms, especially the feeling of oppression.
- If you have been diagnosed with Covid-19, your doctor will suggest follow-up.
- The experimental treatments ((chloroquine, antivirals such as Remdesivir or Ritonavir …) are administered only in a hospital setting.
Covid-19: when to worry
- You have a pathology chronic (heart failure, respiratory pathology such asasthma, hypertension, obesity).
- Your symptoms worsen (fever that does not relapse, difficulty breathing, confusion …).
In this case, call your doctor or 15 in case of emergency.
Covid-19: when am I healed?
A person is considered cured and not contagious 48 hours after the disappearance of the fever AND at least 48 hours after the disappearance of the dyspnea. The disappearance of the cough is not a good criterion, since an irritant cough may persist beyond the healing, says the Ministry of Health. After symptoms have ended, it is recommended that you avoid contact with other people for an additional seven days.
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