The smart health smart health connected object that tells stories

StoryHome is a smart health smart health connected object that tells stories. I previewed it a few weeks ago on the blog.

StoryHome is for families. It allows recording, playback and storage of stories. It also makes it possible to facilitate and simplify the relationship between grandparents and children. To use it, just plug it in. The story told by the grandparents is then automatically sent to another device in the bedroom of their grandchildren.

StoryHome Storytelling Device

Before going to bed, the child will see that his smart health smart health connected object is shining. He will then be able to hear the voice of his grandparents who tell him a story. Of course, this is also possible via Skype, FaceTime or Hangout, but there are few times when everyone is available at the same time.

To tell a story and record it, just press a button. At the first use, you will have to connect the device to the internet, then answer one of the 1000 questions asked, read a book or simply tell your own story. Once all of this is sent, the other device will turn on. Here, too, just press a button to listen to a story, leave a comment or ask a question, etc.

StoryHome Storytelling Device

StoryHome Storytelling Device

StoryHome Storytelling Device StoryHome Storytelling Device

The device connects to the Internet by plugging it into your Internet router via an ethernet cable or via WiFi connection using the StoryHome App on your smartphone. Sent stories are stored on the StoryHome Cloud. You will be able to access it from your computer to edit, organize and save all of your stories. You can also manage your accounts there, change the arrival time for stories, invite family members, etc.

If you're interested in this storytelling smart health connected device, you can find it on Kickstarter. You can order one device from 129 euros and two devices from 299 euros. To see it in action, here is a short ehealth presentation:



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