A smart health smart health connected object against night terrors

Lully is a smart health smart health connected object against the night terrors of our dear blond heads. This device works with a smartphone application and is placed under the mattress of the child's bed.

Lully will do several things to prevent night terrors. First, at a certain time of the night, when night terrors are most frequent, the app will remind parents to turn on the device.

Lully connected object night terrors

It will also vibrate for a while under the child preventing sleep patterns that often lead to night terrors. To date, a beta version of the product has been shipped to 150 families of beta testers. It was used for 5000 nights. The result: an average 70 percent improvement in children's sleep and an 80 percent reduction in nightmares.

The new version of the product will offer a fully automated product ignition process. The device for determining when the child is at risk of night terror alone. In addition to this, the new version aims to improve the quality of sleep for children, including allowing them to sleep through the night since, according to statistics, 75 percent of children aged four to six months are unable to sleep through the night.

If you want to know more about Lully, I suggest you watch the ehealth below. Do not hesitate to take a look at their site.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ7Oc0hjxZ4 (/ embed)



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