Linky: the electric meter is not dangerous for health, slices the ANFR

Linky is not dangerous to health, says an ANFR report. The electric meter emits far fewer waves than the authorized limit or even than a WiFi box. New proof that the case is incapable of damaging the human body.

Linky: the electric meter is not dangerous for health, slices the ANFR
Credit: Ener356 / Wikimedia

While justice begin to give reason to the electro-sensitive in the cases related to Linky and after many scandals, in particular relating to the potential nuisances for health, the National agency of frequencies (ANFR) published a new report, which puts the electrical box harmless. According to the study's findings, Linky's wave emissions are minute and cannot harm the human body.

Linky emits fewer waves than a WiFi box

One of the main criticisms of Linky is the presence of the Atome key, developed by Direct Energie. This allows consumers to view their energy consumption in real time on their mobile or tablet. But as it rests "On Wi-Fi technology in the 2.4 GHz band and transmits consumption indices to the internet box every 1 to 2 seconds", concerns have emerged among skeptics of the smart health connected box about exposure to the waves.

Concerns swept away by the ANFR. "At 50 cm from the key in operation, the level of electric field averaged over a period of 6 minutes was found to be very low: around 0.18 V / m. During the very brief emissions, a maximum instantaneous electric field level of 5 V / m was noted. The levels measured therefore appear very low compared to the regulatory limit value located at 61 V / m in this frequency band ”, explains the agency. Who says that "These levels are also below the levels measured near a working Wifi box", with "A level averaged over 6 minutes of 2.8 V / m at 50 cm from the box, against 0.18 V / m for the Atom key". An internet box therefore transmits 15 times more than a Linky counter.

Also read: Linky: why the new electric meter does not convince households

"The emissions from the Atom key are not permanent: they only emit about 1% of the time. The readings showed data transmission every 1.6 seconds. The transmission consists of two shipments with a duration of approximately 0.01 seconds, 0.1 seconds apart. If the transmission fails, in accordance with the Wi-Fi protocol, the sending is renewed ", adds the ANFR. You can therefore remain calm, unless you sleep with your Linky running in your arms, you are not afraid.

Source: ANFR


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