smart health connected bulb and smoke sensor by AwoX

SafeLIGHT is a new smart health connected bulb with a smoke sensor offered by the now famous brand AwoX. Seen at CES 2015, I’m telling you more today.

SafeLIGHT is therefore a smart health connected safety-oriented light bulb for your health home. Equipped with a smoke sensor, it will warn you of any fire thanks to its 85 decibel alarm and a light alert.

SafeLIGHT AwoX smoke sensor connected bulb

This smart health connected GU10 color LED bulb with a power of 4 W has an average operating time of 20,000 hours. After AromaLIGHT which diffuses odors and CamLIGHT which is equipped with a camera, SafeLIGHT will therefore complete your range of bulbs for your smarthome.

Working with the SmartCONTROL application, an Android and iOS compatible application for AwoX bulbs, it is CE certified and must be fixed to the ceiling using a fixing system using screws or springs. First weak point: this product is powered by a battery for the smoke sensor. Second weak point: no NF approval. This detector also does not have EN 14604, An AFNOR standard which requires regular testing of the product and which controls the sensitivity to tripping, tripping to a variety of fumes, reaction time, etc.

SafeLIGHT AwoX smoke sensor connected bulb

Apart from these two pitfalls, the bulb connects via Bluetooth over a distance of 30 meters. You can therefore control and program it. You can for example indicate time slots where the light bulb should light up. Ideal for simulating a presence in your accommodation.

Anyway, its price is perhaps one of its greatest assets! While the BW 1.2 smoke detector LED bulb from Bell & Wyson, designed by Thomas De Lussac, is offered at 69.95 euros, that of AwoX is sold for 49.90 euros.

In short, the choice will therefore be more on the price than on the features. We will see who will be successful!


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