The world's first modular smartwatch

The Blocks watch is the first modular smartwatch in the world. Its bracelet is made up of several small modules, each with a very precise function.

Modular smartwatch blocks

The Blocks dial is a fully functional smartwatch that has all the functionality you would expect from this kind of product. The most amazing thing is the bracelet which is made of several links (modules). You can choose the modules you want to build a unique smartwatch.

Werables are often one-size-fits-all products. Although many different sensors can be integrated into a werable, space is still the limiting factor. This leads companies to make choices that will appeal to the greatest number. Blocks therefore takes the opposite view and allows you to build a smartwatch that suits your lifestyle, with features that are adapted to your needs.

Modular smartwatch blocks Modular smartwatch blocks

Modular smartwatch blocks

The biggest advantage of Blocks over other smartwatches is that it won't be obsolete after a few months. Why buy a brand new smartwatch when you can just clip a new feature? New modules will be created constantly to be always equipped with the latest technology as soon as it is available.

As an open platform, Blocks allows any business or individual to develop modules. 1500 developers are already registered on the platform. The software development kit (SDK) and Module Development Kit (MDK) will be available soon.

If you are interested in this modular smartwatch, then go to the KickStarter page dedicated to the project. You can discover in more detail all the features offered by this product and the modules offered; there are some to add a SIM, NFC, an LED and a fingerprint reader. The company also plans to develop modules to know the air quality, add a camera, add memory and a module to know your stress level. You can pre-order a watch from 195 dollars but with a classic bracelet. By spending a few dollars more, 250 dollars to be precise, you can afford the watch and four additional modules.


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