Discover the air combat of the future on ehealth

A lieutenant-colonel of the French Air Force explains to us what the air combat system of the future will be and simulates on ehealth an operational mission which aims to destroy an air base in 2040.

During the last Paris Air Show which was held in June 2024, the Ministry of the Armed Forces presented to us on its stand the air combat system of the future (Scaf), by 2040. This program aims to provide the Armed forces partners in this program (France, Germany and Spain) of air capacities aiming to be able to face the future threats and their evolutions during the next years.

This future system will consist of a new generation combat aircraft (New Generation Fighter – NGF), along with drones ((Remote Carriers), a new class of semi-drone, half-missile autonomous air vehicles, which will produce complementary effects. The whole will be interconnected within a cloud of combat, that is to say that he will be able to act in autonomy, networked with air, naval, land or space combat or command systems.

Presentation of the air combat of the future as envisaged by the Ministry of the Armed Forces. This presentation was made at the Paris Air Show for 2025. © Remy Decourt

Simulation of a future air combat mission

In February, the ministers of the French and German Armed Forces signed the first research and development contract to develop a prototype of the future Franco-German combat aircraft which should fly from 2026. This demonstrator will be fitted with engines derived from the Rafale M88. It will give a first indication of the final characteristics of the future Franco-German NGF combat aircraft which is to succeed the Rafale and the Eurofighter.

Lieutenant-Colonel Fréderic, aviator and operational expert within the team formed to design this future air combat system, explains to us what this combat of the future will be and its main technological contributions. The second part of the ehealth shows as an example an operational mission which illustrates how the armed forces will adapt to the future threats of 2040. Like a ehealth game, the soldier comments on the different phases of a scenario of penetration of enemy air defenses and destruction of an air base, which involves both the NGF fighter jet and swarms of remote carriers.

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