The social wearable for adolescents

Gemio, the social wearable for teenagers is now in pre-order at the price of 80 dollars. A timely announcement as Christmas approaches.

Gemio wearable social adolescents

Gemio is therefore a smart health connected device using Bluetooth Low Energy and a mesh network. Wearers are able to pair their bracelets using gestures such as handshakes. Once paired, Gemio warns its user when it is close to its friends thanks to the gems present on the surface of the bracelet. They can be programmed with light effects thanks to the palette of colors available (several millions). Gemio carriers can also send messages using the smartphone app.

Competitor of wearables like JewelBots and Linkitz, Gemio is offered in several versions. As I told you, the basic bracelet is offered for 80 dollars, the designer collection is offered for 85 dollars and a version with precious stones is offered for 95 dollars. The first deliveries are expected for spring 2016. For your information, the models in the Bling range (the range with precious stones) allow the stones to be interchanged. Several colors and tones of zircons are available.

Gemio wearable social adolescents

"What matters to teenagers is the expression of either. They are creative and innovative and want to design their own look. Today's teens don't want to buy a brand. They are the brand. Said Gemio CEO Michael Bettua. He goes on to explain that "This is the future of smart health connected jewelry for teens, combining beautiful light effects and personalized design. It doesn't look like any wearable you have seen before. "

It remains to be seen whether the somewhat heavy and not very trendy design of this bracelet will find its audience among adolescents. Personally, when I see this bracelet smart health connected, I have very big doubts.



Originally posted 2020-03-24 18:56:34.

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