SmartThings finally unveils its new health home automation hub

SmartThings has just launched its new range of health home automation sensors. The brand also offers a more simplified application centered around specific events and tasks that are carried out at health home. New development tools have also been unveiled.

SmartThings new hub

SmartThings has therefore presented an update of its five sensors and offers them a more contemporary look. In addition to these sensors, nearly 200 devices are compatible in this ecosystem. The brand's hub is indeed an open ecosystem. The community is said to include over 10,000 developers. These new models represent the first wave of products the company has offered since being acquired by Samsung in August last year.

The new hub comes with a more powerful processor, ehealth surveillance and a battery that will allow it to operate for up to 10 hours if the power goes out. It will also stay smart health connected to devices in the house, allowing it to manage certain processes without actually being smart health connected to the Internet. The company produces its own sensors: a motion sensor, an open / close sensor, a water sensor for leaks, etc.

The hub will cost 99 dollars, the sensors will range from 30 to 55 dollars. They will be available for purchase today on the SmartThings and Samsung websites.



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