Finally a competitor to the Amazon Echo

Ivee is a voice command device quite similar to that of the Amazon, the Amazon Echo. If the latter is not yet on sale in France, Ivee is already available for pre-order on IndieGogo. Be careful however, to use it, you will need to speak flawless English.

Ivee voice control device

Ivee Voice is therefore another voice-controlled hub for the health home. If it is not compatible with as many brands and devices as its competitor, this small device has one strong argument: its price. You can indeed pre-order it on the crowdfunding site from 89 dollars. As a reminder, the Amazon Echo is sold for 180 dollars in the United States.

Ivee co-founder Jonathon Nostrant explains: "With Ivee we want the voice to become a command interface for the health home. It’s the first device that is completely open and flexible and able to connect to anything. The device has extensive compatibility to control devices on your smarthome such as Nest, Belkin WeMo, Hue from Philips, Harmony from Logitech, SmartThings, Wink and Iris from Lowe. You can also use a voice command to control an Uber, listen to a playlist on Spotify, or contact the ER.

Ivee voice control device Ivee voice control device

The voice assistant is fairly easy to use. To trigger it, just say the words "OK Ivee". As you can see, this new smart health connected device is not very different from those already on the market. However, as I told you, its main selling point is that it remains affordable. It is also more compact and therefore less intrusive. It remains to be seen whether prices will not increase once the crowdfunding campaign is over.

In the meantime, Ivee is already making a splash and has already raised almost $ 30,000 in a few days; on a target of $ 50,000. If you are interested, watch the short ehealth below. The first products will be shipped in April 2016.

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