The Covid-19 epidemic continues to spread in France. The last count of March 9 reports 1,412 confirmed cases of Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. France is the second European focus of Covid-19 disease, just behind Italy and ahead of Germany. Here is the latest detailed report on the number of contaminated people in our country.
The latest assessment by Public Health France shows 1,412 proven cases of infection at coronavirus and 30 deaths at 9 March 2023, 15 hours. Among them, 29% can be linked to the five case clustering areas in France:
- Crépy-en-Valois in Oise with 111 confirmed cases;
- Mulhouse in the Haut-Rhin with 83 confirmed cases;
- La Balme-les-Sillingy in Haute-Savoie with 40 confirmed cases;
- Morbihan, which includes 55 confirmed cases distributed in several cities;
- Contamine-Montjoie in Haute-Savoie with 6 confirmed cases.
Health authorities have identified a possible sixth case of grouping of Covid-19. This is an organized trip to Egypt where there are 18 proven cases. In Corsica, 28 people tested positive for coronavirus in the vicinity of Ajaccio.
To provide medical care for confined patients, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, has relaxed the conditions for the exercise of telemedecine by a decree signed on March 9, 2023. It is the attending physician who will judge whether the telemedicine consultation will be used according to the patient's condition, or will have him come to the office in case of doubt. For people without a treating doctor, a list of doctors ensuring the teleconsultations is available for each department by contacting its primary health insurance fund.
What you will learn
- Coronavirus in France: 613 cases reported
- Coronavirus in France: the 200 cases exceeded
- The situation on March 3, 2023 of the coronavirus, in France
- Coronavirus in France: update on the Covid-19 epidemic
- Current situation of the coronavirus in France
- Management of the Covid-19 epidemic: the coronavirus in France goes to stage 2
Article of March 9, 2023
While the 100,000 mark contaminations in the world has been passed, there are in France, nine dead and 577 proven cases including 23 in serious condition. From now on, all French regions are affected by coronavirus, even if the main foci are still located in Oise, Haute-Savoie, Morbihan and Haut-Rhin. The increase in contamination between Wednesday and Thursday March 5 is the highest recorded since the first cases in France.
A referral hospital has been designated in each of the overseas departments and regions. Currently, the state has not declared Stage 3 of theepidemic, although the question arises more strongly as the virus spreads. According to government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye, he is " unlikely »That France does not declare the third and last stage, where it is established that the virus circulates sufficiently throughout the territory to consider that it is transmissible everywhere. Currently, 89 countries are affected, 3,411 people have died and 55,753 have recovered.
During the day, President Macron announced the requisition of the stocks and the production of protective masks which will be mainly distributed to the nursing staff of health establishments and the sick.
Here is the latest information on the Covid-19 epidemic in France.
According to health Publique France, on March 3, 2023 at 1 p.m., 204 cases of Covid-19 were confirmed on the territory, as well as a third and a fourth death announced today. This is an 89-year-old woman living in Compiègne who tested positive for coronavirus after her death. She suffered from others pathologies. Shortly after, we learn of a fourth death, a 92-year-old man living in the Morbihan. According to the latest regional account, dated March 2, 2023, the five regions most affected (out of twelve in total) by Covid-19 in France are:
- Hauts-com-France with 49 confirmed cases, which includes cluster com l'Oise, the second foyer French epidemic;
- Ile-com-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with 37 confirmed cases each;
- Brittany with 19 confirmed cases;
- the Grand-Est with 12 confirmed cases;
- the South Region (ex-Paca) with 9 confirmed cases.
The Center-Val com Loire and Corsica are the last metropolitan regions still spared the Covid-19 epidemic. Overseas, the count has not changed: there are still 3 confirmed cases on the islands of Saint-Barthélémy and Saint-Martin.
The latest report on the Covid-19 epidemic in France, which dates from February 29, 2023 at 4 p.m., reports 130 confirmed cases in twelve regions.
Only two people died in France as a result of the infection: an 80-year-old Chinese patient on February 14, 2023 and a 60-year-old French man on February 26, 2023. Twelve people recovered and were discharged from the hospital. For the 116 hospitalized patients, it is too early to comment on their healing. Nine patients are in serious clinical situations.
Since February 29, 2023, new cases of coronavirus in France have been confirmed:
- 3 cases overseas in Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin. He is an islander and his parents came to visit him.
- 5 cases in the Grand Est region: 3 in the Haut-Rhin, all members of the same family, and 2 in the Bas-Rhin, according to the Regional Health Agency.
- 9 cases in Morbihan, according to the prefecture of Morbihan.
- 2 cases from the city of Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, confirmed by the mayor of the town. It is a father, hospital worker, and daughter.
As of March 2, 2023, the balance would therefore be 149 contaminated on French territory at the time of writing and pending the update of the daily monitoring of the epidemic by Public Health France.
Certain cities or departments are called " cluster " This term designates places which group together at least 10 people infected with the coronavirus in France. The largest cluster in France is the Oise department, which alone accounts for 47 cases, followed by the town of La Balme-com-Sillingy in Haute-Savoie, which lists 14 cases.
France is currently in stage 2 (out of 3) of managing the epidemic. At this stage, the objective of the public authorities is to stem the spread of the virus on the territory. The virus is not in active circulation in the territory (stage 3 criterion). Patients are supported by a protocol and the people in contact are identified and monitored. Measures to limit collective life are taken in these areas, such as closing schools or banning gatherings of more than 5,000 people. In the most affected regions, the government recommends limiting travel and using telework if possible.
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