Aspirus is the world's first smart health connected workstation. Working with a smartphone application, this 8-in-1 workstation will comply with all your wishes.
Aspirus is on trend since it wants to improve well-being at work. With it, you will not have to remain static in a sitting position and can orient your screens as you wish to adopt the best possible position. With the app, you can change the height and work both sitting and standing. You will also be able to set “sit-stand” goals and schedule reminders. Finally, you can also follow your statistics in real time.
So the goal is to improve our health, reduce back pain and stay in shape. Experts recommend working at least two hours standing a day. Unfortunately, we spend 77% of our time at work sitting. Aspirus therefore uses innovative multi-sensor technology to accurately track when you are sitting or standing in front of the desk and excludes time when you are away.
You can of course install your computer and phone on Aspirus. Everything has been planned to install your devices while keeping space on your workstation. The watchword is flexibility! Each support being modular you can arrange each element as you see fit. You can even place two screens on the workstation.
If you are interested in this product, take a look on the IndieGogo product page. You will be able to discover the product in detail as well as all the possible configurations. As for the price, I was pleasantly surprised when you know that a good desk for standing work costs on average 1000 euros. You can pre-order an Aspirus from $ 499. Deliveries will start in September 2016. Watch this little ehealth to get a more precise idea:
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