Partials, exams, bac … On the eve of an exam, stress sets in and sleep sometimes takes a long time to come. Yet, sleeping well is essential to success. Can insomnia go away?And if there is some innovative miracle recipe for avoiding insomnia, there are also some tips that can help.
If the Nokia Health episode comes to an end with its takeover by Withings, the fact remains that various products are still marketed. The Nokia Sleep is one of them. Unveiled at CES 2018 in early January, this device aims to monitor the quality of your sleep in order to analyze it and put an end to your worries of insomnia (if there is insomnia).
Sleep has a price
The marketing of the Nokia Sleep comes as Withings has just announced the acquisition of Nokia Health, two years after the acquisition of Withings by Nokia. Yes, you read that right ! The good news is that the products from Nokia Health will continue to exist, the teams having remained the same or almost the same during these years.
This sleep tracker is therefore added to the long list of devices dedicated to the health of the firm: smartwatch, thermometer, bathroom scales … This Nokia Sleep is therefore intended for all people wishing to improve the quality of their sleep, or failing to analyze it and take adequate measures to live better on a daily basis.
Sleep problems are indeed one of the most important daily problems for thousands of people. However, sleeping and recovering well at night are essential to feeling better. Lack of sleep is a risk factor for heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke, according to the US Institutes of Health.
If sleeping well is therefore essential for you, you will be pleased to know that the Nokia Sleep is being marketed at a relatively affordable price. Count in fact 99 euros for this device.
Simple and ergonomic
Like Rythm and its Dreem headset, the Nokia Sleep does not take the form of a simple bracelet to monitor your sleep. It is indeed a small gray quilted rug measuring 63 x 18 cm that you slide under the mattress of your bed. Rest assured, if your mattress is of good quality, you will absolutely not feel this Nokia Sleep. It was one of my concerns and it was quickly brushed aside. I was unable to sense the presence of the device and my sleep was not disrupted as a result. The Nokia Sleep is a device that knows how to be forgotten.
Once installed, you must plug the Nokia Sleep into the mains. A 2.80 meter power cable connects it to a power outlet. No battery recharges to be carried out therefore. FYI, Nokia recommends placing the device at bust level to facilitate measurements.
Many useful measures
Like any good sleep analyzer, the Nokia Sleep can collect around ten measurements. It can assess sleep duration, depth, regularity, interruptions, time to fall asleep and get up, continuous heart rate, snoring cycles and their intensity (you won’t be able to tell after you snore not). Specifically, sleep cycles are analyzed based on vital signs (heart rate and respiratory rate) and user movements, detected through the mattress by the pneumatic sensor.
Then all measurements are transmitted with the Nokia Health Mate application. The Nokia Sleep pairs with your smartphone via Bluetooth which will communicate its information to it in real time via WiFi, Nokia then compiles them to calculate a sleep score on 100 points which takes into account 6 parameters (duration, depth, interruptions, regularity, time to fall asleep and time to get up). The application, which is the same as for the other objects dedicated to fitness and health, also makes it possible to observe the evolution. It is also possible to click on each item of data to access more information.
Not surprisingly, the Nokia app is very easy and simple to use. You keep your data since it is stored on your account (and therefore in the cloud) and you can find it on any device.
Limited recommendations
Importantly, in addition to measurements, Nokia Sleep gives you tailor-made recommendations. On this point, however, I must admit that I remain quite disappointed. While the Nokia Sleep can analyze your sleep in detail precisely and correctly (the measurements are correct and are more precise than any fitness tracker in the field), Nokia offers few concrete solutions to remedy your problems. insomnia, if you have insomnia, or other sleeping problems. Recommendations are general such as “Try to get more sleep tonight” or “It seemed like you needed to sleep”. In short, I expected more from this side.
In addition, a child mode is also lacking. It would however have been appreciable in order to analyze the quality of sleep of his offspring.
Finally, be aware that the application offers to follow a “Sleep Ritual” coaching program to improve the regularity of one’s sleep over the long term, but it remains quite limited.
A connected smart device
Nokia Sleep also offers compatibility with the IFTTT platform to create personalized home automation experiences and allow the user for the first time to control various connected objects while lying down or standing up. For example: put your phone in silent mode when you go to bed or automatically open the shutters and turn on the light when you get up. Not having yet a connected home, I unfortunately could not test this functionality.
Final verdict: good but could do better
At $99 , the Nokia Sleep is a powerful sleep analyzer offering good value for money to better understand your sleep. Its finishes, ease of use and synchronization with the Nokia Heath Mate app make it a pleasant everyday companion.
Withings Sleep (Nokia) - Sleep Tracking Mat - Sleep Cycles Analysis, Heart rate monitoring, Home Automation - Withings Official Store
To stay healthy, you have to sleep well. Perhaps even more important during the exam period. Because it is obviously when we sleep that our body regenerates, that it evacuates the stress also. Our brain then consolidate its learning and stores the information received during the day in memory.
Thus, during the few weeks preceding an important examination, it is better to adopt good habits of sleep. Avoid stimulants from 4 p.m. They can indeed repel the feeling of fatigue. Or even lead to sleeping troubles. You can however drink infusions with calming properties, chamomile, linden or at the Orange Blossom, for example.
In the evening, also avoid exhibitions at the blue light, those of smartphones, shelves and others computers disturb secretions of melatonin. They can thus delay your falling asleep and disrupt your natural cycle.
Don’t change your habits
Because ultimately, experts agree that the most important thing to drive out insomnia linked to stress to respect its natural rhythm. To listen to his body. And the day before the exam, more than ever, stay true to your habits. Not to make this day different from the others.
In particular, if you have never taken anxiolytics or from sleeping tablets, especially, do not start the day before an exam. You are at risk of disappointment because you may not tolerate it well and your memory and cognitive skills may be affected the next day. Some doctors recommend a dose of paracetamol which will lower your body temperature and actually help you sleep. You can also, more simply, refresh and ventilate your room before you go to bed. Or take some homeopathic products. Their real effect is probably zero. But, since pre-exam insomnia is entirely psychological, it can work if you believe it.
In the afternoon, you can also plan to do sports, a outdoor activity preferably just to tire you a little physically. For the evening meal, avoid fatty foods and prefer light foods, easier to digest. Finally, sophrology and exercises meditation can help you, in the evening, release a stress overflow and dispel negative thoughts.