As the Covid-19 epidemic progresses in France, with 2,284 proven cases of coronavirus, the transition to stage 3 seems only a matter of time. How will this change the daily life of the French?
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Emmanuel Macron will make a television allowance, Thursday March 12 at 8 p.m., devoted to coronavirus. It could announce the passage of France to stage 3 of the epidemic management plan, as expected given the progression of the Covid-19 epidemic.
The epidemic management plan was issued in 2011, following the pandemic of influenza H1N1 from 2009-2010. Taken from a pig farm in Mexico, the virus had infected the whole world and left more than 200,000 dead. To effectively respond to future epidemics, the government has implemented a strategic plan for managing an epidemic which has four stages. From stage 1 to stage 4, the plan describes sanitary but also socio-economic measures to deal with a pandemic crisis.
Coronavirus: the speech of the President of the Republic, scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 p.m., "will be devoted to the health crisis we are currently experiencing", confirms government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye
– franceinfo (@franceinfo) March 11, 2023
France is currently in stage 2 of the management of the coronavirus epidemic
Currently, we are at stage 2 at a national level, but the areas most affected by the coronavirus such as the Grand-Est, the Oise or the Morbihan are already experiencing more drastic measures.
According to the government's plan, the objective of stage 2 is to limit the spread of the virus to allow the health system to ramp up and start the preparation of a vaccine. Barrier measures translate into what we experience today on a daily basis, such as the closing of certain schools or the prohibition of large gatherings.
The dissemination of prevention messages to the general public is a measure recommended in stage 2 of the epidemic management plan. © Public health France
Everyday life in stage 3 of managing the epidemic
At stage 3, the virus is actively spreading throughout the country and is no longer confined to homes isolated. It is no longer a question of imposing barrier measures to limit the spread of the virus but of limiting its effects on health services, which can be saturated quickly, and on socio-economic activity, which can slow down.
Stage 3 measures are already in effect today, such as treating only the most serious cases in the hospital. Stage 2 recommends treating all infected patients. People with Covid-19 but without symptoms severe, are followed at health home and confined. Contact cases are also identified by regional health agencies and required to monitoring their state of health and limit their movement.
All health professionals are called upon to fight againstepidemic. In Strasbourg, hospitals have called on medical students and retired doctors from the region to relieve doctors who answer the calls of the 15, overburdened after the rapid spread of the epidemic in the region, as reported by Latest News from Alsace (DNA).
The Ephad, who advise limiting visits to residents and have suspended collective activities, could prohibit all visits to preserve fragile residents from at Covid-19. On the transport side, they could be reduced or suspended to limit travel. Companies could encourage telework, when possible.
The daily life of the French should therefore not change at all at all. In addition, the measures provided for in the epidemic management plan are only indicative. The government will decide on their own application or not. Sibeth Ndiaye, government spokesperson, announced on BFM than " I cannot say at this stage what will be the measures at stage 3 "
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