Domestic animals do not transmit the coronavirus to humans, says ANSES

There is " no proof "That pets and farm animals can transmit the new coronavirus, said Wednesday the health agency Anses, stressing that it was" unlikely »That the virus passes from human to animal.

The case of a dog tested "fkindly positive " to the new virus in Hong Kong at the end of February, when his master was himself infected, raised questions about human-animal infections. TheHandles (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) therefore brought together " emergency A group of experts to study this question and the related one contamination through ingestion of meat.

" To the light scientific knowledge available, there is no evidence that pets and farm animals play a role in the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2", Concludes ANSES. Even if the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the disease Covid-19, Was probably born in the bat before going through another species, then to be transmitted to Man, his passage " from humans to another animal species currently seems unlikely ", Say the experts.

They put forward in particular the fact that " no virus "From the same group as this new coronavirus has never been detected in a domestic animal. Indeed, if in certain species, the receptor to which SARS-CoV-2 attaches to enter cells is present, this presence is not sufficient to allow the virus replication, ANSES explains, recommending however additional studies to identify the factors allowing this replication.

No digestive tract contamination

Experts also believe that detection of the virus in the nasal and oral cavities of the dog from Hong Kong is not evidence of the animal's infection, citing the possibility of " passive contamination "(Survival of the virus on a mucosa without replicating it). However, they call for further studies on this point.

Excluding the contamination of a farm animal, ANSES therefore also excludes the possibility of transmission of the virus by eating meat from such an animal. For experts, the only possible way of contamination of food is its manipulation by a sick person. In the current state of knowledge, contamination by the digestive tract is ruled out, the report said. In contrast, an infection of the respiratory tract during chewing " cannot be excluded "

The agency advocates for good hygiene practices and notes that cooking at 63 ° C for four minutes makes it possible to divide by 10,000 the risk of contamination of a food product.

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