These robots fighting the epidemic in hospitals


Using UV rays, these autonomous robots could help eradicate the coronavirus in hospitals.

Hospitals in France are preparing to face an influx of patients with coronavirus. In the midst of this influx, the medical staff will have to do everything to ensure that these places do not become centers of real epidemiological bombs. And it starts with constant disinfection of any surface. To carry out this highly risky task, China called on the autonomous robots of the Danish firm UVD Robots.

Danish robots help contain coronavirus in China

For the past three weeks, hundreds of the company’s Nordic machines have been on the job in China, the epicenter of the pandemic. And others arrive every day to equip in total more than 2,000 hospitals and medical centers from the country.

In fact, these machines are capable of disinfecting virtually any surface, from patient rooms to operating theaters. Each of these robots can emit UV rays strong enough to remove DNA or RNA from any microbe, including coronavirus.

New technology for a proven method

As a reminder, disinfection via UV rays practiced for almost a century, especially for water treatment. However, applying this method manually (using lamps) is not very efficient or cost-effective for large, complex structures, such as a hospital.

Indeed, many people should be assigned to it at the expense of other tasks, without a guarantee that they treat all exposed surfaces well. From where the interest of these autonomous robots in the fight against coronavirus.

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Autonomous robots that helped us long before the coronavirus

On sale since 2018, UDV Robots machines use lidar sensors to find your way and a set of UV lamps for the treatment. So that they can map a given space, they must be remote-controlled there for the first time via a computer. During this operation, we can specify the points that a particular robot will have to disinfect.

After that, the robots are completely autonomous, passing about 15 minutes in each room (1 to 2 minutes in 5 to 6 different positions).

For medical equipment, these devices are relatively affordable, between $ 80,000 and $ 90,000 (between approximately € 71,000 and € 80,000). You will not be surprised to learn that they are very successful, operating in more than 40 countries currently.

Hope these robots will help us defeat the coronavirus faster. In the meantime, here are some items that could help you during this period.

Sources & credits
Source: – Credit: UVD Robots (photos)



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