Tlinkle is a smart health connected mug that allows you to stay smart health connected with those you love, anytime and anywhere.
Tlinkle is sort of an emotional bond, a social network, between two people or a group of people, materialized through a mug. The color changes of the mug inform you that you are smart health connected. Thanks to the associated application, you can change the color displayed and personalize it according to the person with whom you wish to have a coffee. Through the app, you can also communicate using messages and pictures.
If you didn't have an idea for Valentine's Day, Tlinkle just might be the answer. Imagine: you are at the office and you see your mug light up. Automatically, you know that your loved one is thinking of you at that moment. Couples can even create their own Tlinkle community via the smartphone app! You can then share photos, sweet words, events.
Another example: celebrities and their fans will be able to create their own community. Fans can then share coffee or tea with their favorite celebrity.
In short, let it be said, all of this really sounds like a good big gadget but it could well appeal to a small community. Its designers are raising funds, $ 40,000, on IndieGogo. You can pre-order one for $ 65. Here is the ehealth presentation:
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