Smart Remote – One remote control to control everything

Smart Remote is a small remote control invented by Sevenhugs and which should allow you to control everything in your smarthome. It’s the ultimate tool for your health home automation ecosystem.

smart remote sevenhugs smart remote

Smart Remote from Sevenhugs therefore wishes to distance you from your smartphone when you are at health home. Designed and developed by a French start-up, cocorico, this remote control uses internal location technology and has dynamic display and control adaptations.

This universal device will allow you to interact with any smart device in your health home by simply pointing the remote control at the object and clicking. Easy to use and very intuitive, this Smart Remote is the ideal product for all family members. Sevenhugs says their smart remote is currently compatible with Philips Hue Lights, Nest Learning thermostat, and Sonos speakers. With an open SDK it will be extremely easy to add other smart health connected products as well as new features. In short, endless and personalized possibilities.

smart remote sevenhugs smart remote

smart remote sevenhugs smart remote

smart remote sevenhugs smart remote

Personally, I love this kind of product. Now having a lot, not to say a lot, of smart health connected objects at health home, it is getting more and more complicated to control them all. Going from application to application is long and tedious. This Smart Remote would therefore save me time and simplify the use of all these devices. For the moment, the brand has not given any information regarding the price of the product and the presales are not yet open. To be continued …

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