Entacup presents itself as the lovers' mug. But problem: I presented yesterday the Tlinkle smart health connected mug which presents itself in a little the same way with a more community angle. So which one to choose for Valentine's Day.
Entacup is therefore a smart health connected mug that wants to allow you to strengthen and develop interactions between lovers. According to its creators, high-tech love is made up of several sensors, Bluetooth4.0 technology, an LED strip and a little coffee. An entire program !
Its principle is simple enough not to say simplistic. Your smart health connected mug will shine when filled and will also trigger that of your partner; wherever it is. A slightly geeky way of thinking about your loved one.
Besides this functionality, Entacup is a classic mug. If you didn't know what to offer for Valentine's Day, you have no excuses. Besides, the packaging of the product is really successful. If you want to know more, take a look at IndieGogo. In presale this smart health connected mug will cost you 77 dollars the pack of two. Look :
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kobqhw43Ac (/ embed)