Wear24 – The Verizon smartwatch

So this one, I hadn't seen it coming! Imagine that the American telecoms giant, Verizon, has just announced the Wear24; his very first smartwatch.

The Wear24 was announced to everyone's surprise. The eyes of all the press were not really on them. While the first smartwatches running Android Wear 2.0 are showing up, updates are coming, Verizon was really not the brand we thought we were talking about; at least in this context.

Wear24 Verizon smartwatch

Another surprise, the visual result is not bad at all! I find it quite harmonious and quite chic. However, if you want to buy one, you will have to wait until March and go to a Verizon store across the Atlantic. By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that the telecom operator will also market the LG Watch Sport in its stores.

Verizon said its watch has a 1.39-inch AMOLED screen and will be equipped with 4G LTE, WiFi and NFC. So you'll be able to use it with Android Pay (something you can't do with the LG Watch Style, unfortunately). Like the LG Watch Sport, its LTE functionality means you'll be able to make and receive calls . Finally, the Wear24 is IP67 certified for its water resistance.

Now for the painful one: the price. The watch will be available for $ 300 with a two-year contract (for the watch's SIM). So far, Verizon has only released one photo of the watch (the one you can see above). I will put other photos of the watch, as soon as I have them, directly on the Facebook page of the health home Automation Blog. Remember to like the page if you haven't already ?


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