Welt the Samsung smart belt will be launched via a startup

Welt is a smart belt dedicated to monitoring your weight and health. Coming from the Samsung C-Lab, this product is about to take off, not at Samsung, but in a startup created for the occasion.

Welt is therefore one of the five projects of the Samsung C-Lab. Remember, I told you about another of these projects a few days ago: the IOFIT shoes. It was during the last CES, we were able to discover this product. Designed to manage overeating and obesity, this smart health connected belt incorporates welt tracking technology stored in its loop.

welt smart belt samsung

Thanks to this, the belt will send the exact measurement of the size to a smartphone application, and using algorithms, will know whether it is bloating, overeating or real weight gain. A follow-up will then be displayed on a graph in real time. But then why did you create a belt? Simply because waist measurement is a good indicator of a person’s health. Health officials agree that waist measurement can help doctors screen for the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This place of the body is also an interesting place to be able to follow the steps and the activities that you carry out during the day. The measurements are much more precise than a wearable like a smart health connected bracelet. To recharge the belt, just use a small microUSB port. The battery has a lifespan of about a week on a single charge. The images shared today reveal a belt with a fairly classic design. It was co-developed with Samsung Fashion and the team in charge of partnerships with fashion brands. For the moment, the price has not been confirmed and will obviously depend on the finishes and materials chosen.


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