Meteor is an activity tracker for footballers. Placed under a sock, it analyzes your game: running, striking force and relaxation.
Meteor then sends all this data to the athlete's Footbar profile. Footbar is a website that 25,000 footballers licensed in French clubs already use. Like all other activity trackers, the goal is to be able to follow its progress; both for training and for matches. Please note, these smart health connected bracelets are however prohibited in competition.
On their Footbar profile, athletes can find a dozen analysis criteria. Only seven require the use of Meteor. These criteria are rated out of a hundred and evolve over time. Obviously, this score can increase and decrease.
If the website seems very complete, the inventors of the footballer's activity tracker do not give much technical information about it. Currently being funded on IndieGogo, it is possible to get it for 39 euros if you are very fast. At the end of the campaign on the crowdfunding platform, it will be marketed at a price of 79 euros.
If this little smart health connected bracelet interests you, here is a short presentation ehealth. Look :
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