Free finally announces the launch of its health home automation box

FreeDom will be the name of the health home automation box of the operator Free. In any case, this is what Cédric Locqueneux Community Manager at Domadoo and blogger would like us to believe.

FreeDom, is indeed simply a good big April Foolish fish orchestrated, super well tied and which I got caught at first. But after verification and a phone call to a contact who works at Free, the sham was flushed out.

Besides, there are several clues:

– No trace of the article on the real site of Les Echos if we do a search
– A serial blogger who turns into a serial joker ?


FreeDom, Free's health home automation solution, is the product of a play on words between the brand name, Free, and the contraction of the word Domus, the house. Besides the linguistic aspect, the DNA of this health home automation solution will be freedom.

freedom box home automation free

While everyone thought that this health home automation box would be announced and presented at the Free keynote last month, Xavier Niel had only presented his Mini 4K box to replace his entry-level internet box. After the health home by SFR box and the Homelive box from Orange, Free therefore seems determined to impose itself on the health home automation market.

But this announcement of the Mini 4K is not that trivial since Free had confirmed that it had teamed up with Google to integrate Android into the latter. However, the FreeDom box will offer the same multimedia features as the Mini 4K. And if the Blu Ray player disappears, Free intends to fully exploit the many applications that Andoid offers in the field of smarthome.

In addition to the partnership with Android, Free bought the French company Evertygo and its ImperiHome interface, which allows you to customize the control interface of your health home. The FreeDom user will therefore have the freedom to freely customize their control interface.

On the hardware side, little information. The health home automation box of Free should however accept many communication protocols, and therefore many materials, such as Z-wave, ZigBee and various radio protocols like Blyss, Edisio, or Chacon. Free has already confirmed that its box would be compatible with products from Nest, Sonos, Netatmo and of course the Hue from Philips.

FreeDom should be available to subscribers and non-subscribers to Free telecom services. It would be free for subscribers and paid for non-subscribers. For the latter, the price would be 99 euros… as for the Orange Homelive.

More information should be revealed in the coming weeks!


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