7Mind – meditation app as Alexa skill


About the 7Mind meditation app: functions and uses

7Mind was founded in 2014 by Jonas Leve and Manuel Ronnefeldt in collaboration with the entrepreneur Paul J. Kohtes. The company now has 25 employees and offers the app in German, English, French and Dutch. The aim of the app is to make mindfulness easy and unesoterically learnable via app. Co-founder Paul Kohtes continues to meditate today 7Mind on. Furthermore, the offers and trainings are supported by an expert in body-mind medicine. Dorothea Gädeke, a female voice for meditations, has been available since 2024, and the 7Mind app, as the name suggests, includes meditations and mindfulness exercises of seven minutes each. The free entry-level course offers seven basic exercises. The subscription offers customers in-depth courses and individual meditations on topics such as health, sleep, serenity or stress management. The app currently includes 28 courses and various individual meditations, natural sounds, silence and gong meditations, thought trips and sleep stories.

Why meditation is a good thing

Studies have shown that just a few minutes of contemplation a day can help you focus better, reduce stress, and become more relaxed and happy. Health also benefits from meditation. For example, regular meditation strengthens the immune system, prevents high blood pressure, alleviates headaches and helps with sleep problems and stress-related illnesses.

Meditation promotes health and improves the mental state

Meditation promotes health and improves the mental state

(Romolo Tavani / Adobe Stock)

The meditation Alexa skill from 7Mind at a glance

With the Alexa Skill from 7Mind either a 7-day beginners course or a mini-meditation can be started. Each meditation takes only a few minutes and teaches the user simple relaxation techniques step by step. For a deepening of the courses, thought trips, natural sounds and sleeping stories can be found in the smartphone app for iOS/Android a variety of offers.

With 7Mind's Alexa Skill, you can start meditation comfortably from the couch

With 7Mind's Alexa Skill, you can start meditation comfortably from the couch

(ittipol / Adobe Stock)

Conclusion on the 7Mind Alexa meditation skill

The 7Mind app offers meditation techniques that only take a few minutes a day. With the associated practical Alexa Skill, meditation training can be easily activated from the couch using the Voice Assistant. So the user finds time for the daily important meditation even on stressful working days.

Pricing and availability of the 7Mind Alexa Skill

The 7Mind Alexa Skill can be activated free of charge on Amazon. The app courses cost EUR 4.99 per month per year and EUR 11.99 per month for the monthly subscription.
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