Can we do a fatal vitamin overdose?

The French are big consumers of food supplements and especially vitamins. Although their therapeutic effects are not proven, they are used to treat small daily inconveniences, even if it means abusing them sometimes. Is it dangerous for health?

More than 46% of French people have already consumed herbal food supplements, vitamins and of minerals (Synadiet survey 2024). Unlike drugs, the marketing of food supplements does not require a marketing authorization (MA), but they are controlled by the DGCCRF in the same way as food products. These products therefore no scientifically proven therapeutic effect. They are most often used to relieve small daily ills such as sleep disorders, digestion or lack of vitality.

Among all the food supplements available on the market, vitamins have the wind in stern. Dosage instructions on the package are not always followed, and consumers tend to take more than enough. Is it dangerous for health? Can we, as with a conventional drug, make a lethal overdose of vitamin?

Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins

The 13 known vitamins fall into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins:

  • the fat-soluble vitamins are the vitamins A, D, E, and K;
  • water-soluble vitamins are the vitamin C as well as eight B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12).

Water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body and are excreted in the urine. They are nonetheless dangerous. Excessive intake of vitamin B6, over two grams per day, can lead to liver dysfunction.

For their part, the fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the tissues and become more quickly toxic. Although rare, excessive consumption of fat-soluble vitamin can cause side effects that should not be overlooked.

In conclusion, vitamins taken for the purpose of improving health can have the opposite effect and deteriorate it. To the point of dying?

Can you overdose on vitamins?

This is very rare, but several patients whose death is linked to an overdose of vitamin have already been identified. Each time the doses taken were astronomical.

Several people died in particular at the following an overdose of vitamin D. A deficit in vitamin D is common in the elderly. In one of the cases described, the patient was taking daily doses more than ten times the maximum recommended dose. He was the victim of a hypercalcemia (a level of calcium very high) which can be fatal.

To avoid risking your health, vitamins in the form of a supplement must be taken in a reasonable manner according to recommended doses in the table below. The best way to improve your vitamin intake is to eat a varied and balanced diet.

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