C by GE – Alexa and HomeKit smart health connected bulbs

General Electric has just unveiled its new range of C by GE smart health connected bulbs; smart bulbs compatible with Alexa and HomeKit.

The C by GE range of smart health connected luminaires now also includes ceiling lights and a smart wall switch. These products will obviously integrate seamlessly with the brand's various health home automation products. Many options are also available.

C by GE - Connected bulbs Alexa and HomeKit compatible

But let's come back to the new smart health connected products in the lighting range. And I'm going to linger a little on the switch. It’s this smart wall switch that provides voice control to your smart health connected lights. It allows you to turn them on and off, or to vary their intensity or color. Another good point: no need for a separate GE hub either. A built-in antenna also allows you to make sure you can access it, even if someone accidentally flipped the switch manually.

C by GE - Connected bulbs Alexa and HomeKit compatible

But what interests me the most about these products is their compatibility with Amazon Alexa. You will now be able to use these devices with other Alexa devices via Amazon's ESP feature; while managing your lights and activating the Spotify or SiriusXM applications.

As I said, in parallel, HomeKit compatibility is also available for C-Sleep bulbs (only white) C-Life and (temperature change) C-Sleep via the C-Reach bridge. This allows you to use Siri on an iPhone or iPad, at health home or elsewhere. It also allows you to create lighting scenes and set up automation for your smart health connected lamps.

Remember, I told you about this HomeKit compatibility 3 years ago. At the time, General Electric had already announced that it would offer smart health connected bulbs compatible with Apple’s health home automation system. As highlighted in the company's press release at the time, "These color-changing LED lights will also incorporate the brand's Align technology, which helps regulate and improve your sleep cycles."


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