SensFloor is "Made in Germany"
Our society is getting older. By 2060, every third person should be 65 years and older. This presents us with the challenge of how we want to take care of relatives. In 2005, the German company Future-Shape GmbH was founded to deal with this question, among other things. The SensFloor assistance system seems to have been the first step towards a possible solution.
The SensFloor sensor floor, which was also funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as a joint project, is placed under the carpet and transforms the floor into a kind of touchpad that registers every movement. And although the SensFloor takes up a large part of the floor, it is practically invisible and in no way disturbs everyday life.
Sensors in the floor
The SensFloor system is a textile underlay with integrated microelectronics and proximity sensors. Over 30 sensors are distributed on one square meter and ensure that each step can be registered and analyzed. The system can be installed under almost any type of flooring, whether laminate, PVC or parquet. It is just 2.5mm thick and therefore does not attract any attention once it has been installed.
The built-in proximity sensors can detect whether the floor is standing, walking or falling. Due to the compatibility with other smart health home devices, the floor can also be networked and thus call systems or lighting systems can be smart health connected. If a person in need of help falls, the nursing staff or relatives who can come to the aid much faster are automatically notified. With the integration into the Smart health home, you can also pre-program series of campaigns that can simplify the everyday life of older people.
If the floor is coupled to the lighting system, an action can be that the light comes on when the person moves from one to the next room. The floor also stores movement patterns and can thus recognize individual people. If, for example, a demented person wanders around the room, the sensors recognize this and notify the responsible persons.
Last but not least, thanks to the movement pattern recognition, the SensFloor can also be used as an alarm system. Due to the foreign movement patterns, end ringlings, for example, are then recognized and immediately reported to the owners.
Age-appropriate and independent living
SensFloor is currently used more in Review phases and for larger facilities, such as the research project "Cognitive Village“From the University of Siegen. There, a Review apartment was equipped with the intelligent floor. A retirement health home near Munich has also equipped almost 70 apartments with the SensFloor and, in cooperation with the AOK, monitors the number of falls suffered by residents.
If the evaluations by the health insurance company are positive, this installation could even be financed by the health insurance companies in the future and the SensFloor could also find its way into private households. Then seniors, but also physically impaired people, could stay at health home much longer and lead an independent life and additionally relieve relief workers and relatives.
SensFloor – large-area, proximity-sensitive, intelligent sensor floor for Smart-health home, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), multimedia, security, retail and Internet of Things (IoT)
Source: Future Shape | Technology | SensFloor® – a large-area sensor floor