With Go2Sleep, the startup Sleepon has decided to tackle a problem that more and more people suffer from: sleep apnea.
Go2Sleep is a wearable that will track and analyze your sleep to detect abnormalities and in particular to find out if you suffer from sleep apnea.
This small iOS and Android compatible wearble consists of a small sleeve that allows you to insert a finger; much like you would with a classic ring. Once you've put it on before going to bed, the 3-axis sensor, oxygen and heart rate sensors record data; such as the perfusion index, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation. Regarding sleep metrics, Go2Sleep would be able to track your movements during the night.
This data is then synchronized with the smartphone application to produce analyzes and reports using AI and offer you personalized recommendations on your sleep habits. You will also be suggested changes in your diet as well as exercises to improve your sleep.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQcjxcyMIEk (/ embed)
Launched a few days ago on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo, the Go2Sleep has already passed its goal of 20,000 dollars. To pre-order one, you will need to spend at least $ 99 for a delivery in May 2018. A price that is quite correct for this type of product.
Note, however, that this product is only at the prototype stage. Interestingly though, one of its creators was someone who worked on Intel's first generation of Basis fitness watches. The team therefore has some experience with wearables. Personally, I think this wearable will have no trouble finding its audience and could well revolutionize the nights of all people with sleep apnea.