rOcean One – The smart health connected water machine

With rOcean One, rOcean aims to preserve our planet. His new device was launched on Indiegogo and is designed to eliminate the use of bottled water.

rOcean One reminds me a bit of SodaStream, with the difference that this machine is a smart health connected machine equipped with a smart health connected filtration device and which plugs directly into a tap.

rOcean One connected water machine

The iOS and Android compatible app tracks the number of bottles of water users have not used. In addition, the company encourages its users to reuse its sachets; a rather original incentive since in general, this type of company earns money by pushing its users to buy more and more consumables to operate the machine. It’s like a printer manufacturer advises you not to buy an ink cartridge.

Users will therefore receive recyclable refill pouches. Each sachet is capable of flavoring 60 liters of water. In the future, rOcean hopes to be able to distribute its pods in local stores.

rOcean One connected water machine

In addition to the possibility of connecting with a smartphone application, the rOcean One is also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant. You can therefore trigger the production of water from any room and by voice. You can also create profiles based on bottle size, flavor and carbonation. Although pods do not have an RFID tag inside, custom bottles of rOcean do, and they can be scanned to trigger a specific user profile.

Personally, I'm quite a fan of this new gadget. I find it very well thought out and fairly complete. If you are also interested in rOcean One, you can pre-order it today from $ 169 on the crowdfunding site IndieGogo. For this price, you will receive a machine and three sachets of flavor.


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