Amazon Echo now supports WeMo and Hue

Amazon Echo now supports WeMo and Hue. The update comes after months of speculation about the online retail giant's intelligent voice-activated speaker.

Amazon Echo incorporates microphones allowing it to respond to voice commands through the Alexa virtual assistant; the equivalent of Siri at Amazon. Communicating via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it will now be possible to control its lights and smart health connected devices in the house.

Amazon Echo

Echo currently manages Belkin WeMo devices as well as Philips Hue LED bulbs. It's a safe bet that other brands and peripherals will be integrated in the coming months. For those lucky enough to have an Amazon Echo, just launch the smartphone app and ask Alexa to discover new smart health connected objects. Echo will then perform a quick scan and detect the devices you have installed on the same Wi-Fi network.

Amazon Echo

For Hue, press the center button on the Hue bridge during the discovery process. For WEMO objects, you have nothing to do. Next, you're going to have to give each device a name; logical since to activate them you will have to pronounce their name. As with HomeKit, you can however create groups of objects and scenarios.



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