Meld offers objects to connect your kitchen and allow you to serve cooked dishes to perfection.
Meld does not offer to buy new equipment, but rather to add its products to the equipment you already own. For example, the Meld Knob is an automatic button that adds to your existing stove or hob. The Meld Clip is a thermometer that clips to your pots and monitors the temperature of what you cook.
So how does it work ? Once placed on your stove, the smart health connected button will automatically adjust the heat and power to provide the ideal temperature for cooking food. He knows how to adjust the heat from the information he receives from the thermometer.
Obviously, if you do not want to be in automatic mode, you can also manually control the Meld button from the application. Currently being funded on KickStarter, you can order it for $ 129. Here is a short ehealth presentation to understand how it all works.